
Bee Reid (also known as Corey Drew) is a metalsmith, enamelist, and jewelry artist and from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and presently based in Kent, Ohio. Their current body of work explores trauma and their non-linear grieving process of interpersonal relationships. This work is heavily influenced by their identity as a fat, neurodivergent, genderqueer dyke.

Reid received their MFA in Jewelry, Metals, and Enameling from Kent State University in 2023, and a BFA in Jewelry and Metalsmithing from Edinboro University in 2019. Before attending grad school, Reid co-founded and operated Queerly Collective, a space to center and uplift queer artists and was a resident artist at Contemporary Craft in Pittsburgh. They are a member of the Allegheny Metals Collective (AMC) and Society of North American Goldsmiths (SNAG).

They have exhibited work nationally including New York City Jewelry Week, the Ohio Craft Museum, Columbus, OH, and the National Ornamental Metal Museum, Memphis, TN. Their work has been featured in Metalsmith magazine. Soon, their work will be traveling to Denton, TX for an upcoming bolo tie exhibition.